I coach successful people who are ready to realize their bigger vision, while they may not realize what is possible, I help them to see greater possibilities and to map out the steps to achieve it.

Past success can actually be the biggest block to moving forward. If you keep doing what got you here, how will you move forward and upward by doing the same things?

This is important: The future does not exist yet. YOU get to create it. If you don’t create it for yourself, who will create it for you? Are you okay with that? What are your limits? Why? The only dream you can’t achieve is the one you don’t plan and work for.

"I have already recommended Michaela’s (Mikki's) services to several people in my life and would to anyone in need of a change."

Rebecca E.



I’m a Human Behavior Expert and truly have earned the title!

Born in England, I am a lifelong learner and nomad. Having lived in eight countries to date, I consider myself to be a Global citizen – where I come from is a story, not a place. Home is wherever I am, right now.

I took my expertise in tropical diseases nursing from London, UK, to Bangladesh to volunteer in an orphanage, later singlehandedly running a High Commission’s medical clinic and caring for upwards of 300 people.

I became a Montessori assistant teacher in Belgium.

I studied Buddhism and mindfulness with monks in Singapore. My quest for more took me from Bhutan, India, Ladakh, and Sikkim, to Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

I studied fitness and nutrition in Malaysia while owning and managing my own gym.

I took my love for learning to college in the USA, becoming a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst. The science of behavior change ignited in me a deeper understanding of human potential. Diving into Doctoral studies fueled my desire to share my extensive knowledge of human behavior with people open to receiving all that I have to offer.

Being ready for change is indispensable. I am an expert at letting go of old identities and embracing the new, like a snake shedding its skin. It’s essential.

Today I facilitate the shedding of ‘old skins’, enabling others to let go of old identities that no longer serve them while embracing and creating the new. Human Design plus Polyvagal Theory and IFS are blended with the science of behavior change and other modalities to form a solid platform for this work.

Human Design came into my world at a crucial moment, proving to be a game changer. I learned what worked for me and what didn’t in a powerful way that I could feel and experience for myself. Understanding how I am designed to optimally function in the world is priceless knowledge.

My clients feel supported and safe as they explore their human design blueprints to discover what is RIGHT about them. Hint: you are not designed to be ‘wrong’. Ever.

Social conditioning often leaves us feeling as though we are ‘less than’, suffering from ‘Impostor Syndrome’ and a fear of others people’s judgement. How can you grow and succeed if you have a poor self-image?

The answer is that you cannot rise above your opinion of yourself.

Pure science is a great place to start the search for answers, but ultimately the real experiment is in the world. It’s called ‘Life’.

I LOVE the experiment and I am here for fellow explorers.

Today, I use Human Design to find the YOU that still lives, still shines, under the heavy weight of childhood trauma and resultant conditioning.

It’s a process to offload the stuff we onboarded as children, and worth every second we spend recovering and claiming your full potential.

It’s a process I am here for.

Call it cycle breaking, call it re-parenting, call it whatever seems good to you.

When you are ready to be unapologetically YOU, you’ll know.

We begin with finding your blueprint.

Your Human Design.

Then we use all the available skills and tools to gently, firmly bring the best, most potent version of you to the fore.

Ready for some re-parenting of your inner child?

Let’s get you on your path!