There are no 'bad' energy types in Human Design. They all have fantastic qualities available to the individual. Ahead is a quick breakdown of what that may look like...

There are no 'bad' energy types in Human Design. They all have fantastic qualities available to the individual. Ahead is a quick breakdown of what that may look like...
In Human Design, Motivation describes how you are designed to provide your uniqueness to others when it's correct for you to do so. There are 6 different motivations....
Like many aspects of Human Design, sleep habits are different for each energy type. It is important to rest and recharge in a way that is most nourishing and beneficial...
In Human Design, environment refers to the type of surroundings where you will thrive and that will nourish your energy. CAVES This can be your home office, wherever...
Design Sense (also known as cognition), describes a specific sense that is heightened for you. Think of it as your super power. SMELL Your strongest sense is the way...
In Human Design, digestion is the conditions and circumstances under which your body most efficiently digests nutrients from food. ALTERNATING Passive brain. Needs less...
The not-self theme is how you feel when you are trying to be anyone else but yourself, also known as not honoring your design. FRUSTRATION "Frustration" is not only the...
Signature in Human Design is the energetic feeling each type has when they're operating in alignment and the gift they share with the world. SATISFACTION Generators and...
The profile calculation is based on the position of your personality sun/earth and your design sun/earth in the bodygraph. The personality is who you think you are and...
In Human Design, definition is what is consistent and reliable within us; it is what creates our Type and determines our Strategy and Authority. NO DEFINITION...
In Human Design, your inner authority is your body's knowing or intelligence, how you know if a decision is the right one for you. EMOTIONAL - SOLAR PLEXUS With a...
In Human Design each Type, has a unique strategy. TO RESPOND The Generator and the Manifesting Generator both need to wait for opportunities to be presented, then...